Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Issue Of Affordable Housing - 1256 Words

On the 9th of December of 2014, I attended a San Jose City Council meeting in the council chambers in the San Jose City Hall. The topic of discussion was the issue of affordable housing in San Jose. There are nearly 5,000 homeless people in San Jose. There are thousands more on waiting lists for affordable housing, some using more than 50 percent of their daily income for rent, or in danger of losing their homes. Homelessness impacts our community, our environment, and our homeless neighbors. Addressing the issue of homelessness is a constant battle between respecting the rights and also meeting the needs of the homeless individuals. This was continuously brought up during the City Council meeting. The members were discussing the†¦show more content†¦The City Council members eventually voted to keep the funding towards housing and not to divert it to transportation. Homelessness is a very complex issue that affects the community from an economic and a social perspective. Homelessness and poverty are inevitably linked. Poor people are frequently unable to pay for housing, food, childcare, healthcare and education. The primary cause of homelessness though is the lack of affordable housing and the limited scale of housing assistance programs. â€Å"Often, poor people can afford to live only in inadequate housing-housing that is unsafe or broken down in a way that degrades the life and dignity of the residents.† (Windley-Daoust, 207). The growing gap between the number of affordable housing units and the number of people needing them has created a housing crisis for the less fortunate. Operating shelters, medical services, day centers and so on cost a lot of money and generally, funding for these programs come from taxpayer dollars and private donations. Many though go unfunded and many homeless are forced to find other methods to meet their needs. Since most communities do not have enough resources to give adequate shelter to the homeless, they will be ultimately forced to find alternate places to sleep and live. This could be behind buildings, benches, doorways of businesses and this can cause pollution within public areas. According to the National

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Financial Cost of Technology in Education Essay

The Financial Cost of Technology in Education Think about how much it costs you or your family to keep up with the latest computer technology. Also think about about how much you pay at home for a high speed internet connection. Not to mention, the security, adware, and virus protection software you must purchase to ensure your computer keeps working properly. Consider how much it costs to outfit a single classroom with this technology, or even an entire school. Schools are still expected to provide books, pencils, and paper; however, they are now also expected to budget in computers, scientific calculators, and DVD players. Computers cost up to one thousand dollars a piece; scientific and graphing calculators cost around one†¦show more content†¦According to multiple consultants, most of the $25 million was wasted. It is now being suggested that they use systems being developed by the city, but the schools would need to spend an additional $22.7 million for the city’s computer systems (Blum 2004). A report done by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution states that Atlanta Public Schools â€Å"misspent or mismanaged nearly $73 million from a national program intended to give poor children access to the Internet† (Donsky; Foskett 2004). Furthermore, Atlanta says it needs $14 million a year just to run â€Å"one of the country’s most lavish computer networks for school children† (Donsky; Foskett 2004). Millions of dollars were spent at schools that were closed or demolished within a few years, and other schools were supplied with electronics for twice as many classrooms as the school has. The national program footing the bill is called E-rate, and while they won’t pay for computers, they pay for Internet infrastructure. Funding for E-rate is acquired by Americans everywhere through a surcharge in their telephone bills. Using federal money quite carelessly, Atlanta Public Schools spared little expense. They repeatedly ordered equipment and upgrades tha t they did not need, showed no regard for price when choosing vendors, and in some cases unknowingly received less that what they paid for. Putting technology in schools is a great way to enhance the futures of our children,Show MoreRelatedHigher Education Is Feeling The Financial Pinch1125 Words   |  5 PagesHigher education is feeling the financial pinch. Public higher education programs have seen a decrease in government funding. Adding to the burden, is financial pressure to keep tuition rates down as well as aging brick-and-mortar facilities, as well as career fields and technology evolving rapidly. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Impact of E-Business Free Essays

An E-Business strategy allows a typical business to take advantage of Internet technology to improve communications and increase productivity. An E-Business utilizes digital media such as email, data conferencing, e-commerce, and B2B to streamline business operations. These are made possible through a network infrastructure like Local Area Networks (LANs), Wireless communication, and the Internet. We will write a custom essay sample on The Impact of E-Business or any similar topic only for you Order Now Customer relationship can be improved due to fast response time and efficient business transactions. Through email, businesses can communicate with their customers instantaneously. This is important for sales, support, and marketing activities. E-commerce websites can also be utilized to sell products and perform business transactions in real-time. Customers can do their shopping online, pay electronically, and have their products delivered the next day. This reduces cost drastically because there are no more physical overheads such as shops, printed brochures and human cashiers. Collaboration with business partners is also strengthened through B2B exchanges. Using this technology, companies can partner with each other buy cheaper products placed directly from suppliers. At the same time, they can integrate and synchronize their individual business operations. One company might handle product design, while others manage procurement, shipping, and marketing. This translates directly to reduced cost and improved business efficiency. E-Business can also increase a company’s internal productivity. Using Local Area Networks (LANs) and Intranet, employees can share information faster and more efficient than traditional phone or paper communication. Various services such as email, file transfer, directory services, and knowledge management systems can increase productivity and reduce manual work. Wireless networking can also allow executives to be connected anywhere and anytime, so they can manage their business more effectively. A company can transform to become an E-Business by adopting Internet technology along with certain business considerations and decisions. The main strategy should be aligned with the main goal to reduce cost and increase the company’s productivity. The importance of the transition should always be highlighted, emphasizing these two benefits. The reason for this is because most people are resistant to change, especially those related to technology. They view these as a threat to their jobs, to the status quo, and to internal politics. Studies will have to be made that will show the return on investment (ROI) and how it will improve the business as a whole. A transition plan should also be made so that the adoption of the technology would be much easier and not drastic. User education and training is also an important aspect because it helps people understand the benefits they can get from the E-Business. Considerable investments will also have to be made in IT consulting, hardware, and software. IT companies and consultants will be hired for the the initial setup of the system, and training for the users who will comprise the IT department. This department would then have the expertise to continue the transition and implement technology-related changes. Computer hardware such as personal computers and network cables will be purchased and changes in the office layout will be implemented. New guidelines and protocols should be also created in order to maintain system integrity and security. The company will be exposed to new threats such as unauthorized access, viruses, worms, hackers, and spam. Because of this, security procedures such as Intrusion Detection and Disaster Recovery should be implemented. Computer and network policies should also be in place so that these risks will be minimized. How to cite The Impact of E-Business, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Eagle and A Difficult Birth Essay Example For Students

The Eagle and A Difficult Birth Essay Although the poems have many similar ideas and styles they all have completely different types of creatures and meanings conveyed. In Perch the main idea of the poem is to accentuate how a perch lives up to its name. Heaney does this by using his childhood memories of the perch. In The field-mouse Clarke writes about cutting hay while thinking of events elsewhere in Europe. The poet uses a short narrative about a mouse, injured by the machine which she is unable to safe. In the poem the mouse is a symbol of the vulnerable and fragile children and animals during a war that could happen between her and her neighbouring country. Clarke describes vividly the causes and the tragic scene of war. In the Eagle Tennyson tells us a series of things about what the eagle does. We see him clinging to the mountain crag, high up near the sun and surrounded by the blue sky. He looks down on the sea, moving slowly below him, still watches, then which is the point of the poem falls like lightning on his unspecified prey. A difficult Birth shows Clarkes two greatest concerns a love of the natural world around her and the political processes that bring war and peace to the world. Perch has a simple form five couples with half rhyme similar to the eagle when only two lines rhyme. The metre is mostly anapaestic with some iambic feet. A difficult birth also has a loose iambic metre similar to the Eagle which has an iambic metre written with four feet in each line. Also in Perch some lines open with a stressed syllable.  All of the poems are written in first person and therefore shows that they are remembering an event in their lives. Since the poems are based on the poets own experiences and ideas, the first person narrative makes the poem more personal and therefore more emotional. All of the poems describe nature as mundane or devastating. In Perch Heaney uses this effect to describe the perch as never moving like a soldier holding the pass. Heaney continuously describes the perch in a tedious way to emphasise his childhood view of little flood-slubs, runty and ready. In The Field-Mouse, Clarke describes vividly the result of their mowing on the mouse, quivering mouse, two sparks burning and curls in agony. This is a symbol to show the result of war between her and her neighbour. Also in A difficult Birth Clarke again uses the idea of devastation to show how the sheep is feeling. The poet uses painful words such as burning tongue to emphasise the pain which the sheep and Clarke are feeling. Similarly in The Eagle the poet portrays the surroundings as old and unremarkable to make the eagle stand out amongst images. Tennyson describes the sea as wrinkled and the land as lonely. Heaney links his creatures to the world of man to make the descriptions as realistic as possible. The poet refers perch to soldiers holding the pass. In The Field-mouse Clarke connects her animal to the world of man as a symbol of children and the devastation of war. Also in The Eagle and A difficult birth, the poets both use anthropomorphic words such as He him to accentuates how much they admire the creatures and to emphasise their love for the creature. In The Eagle Tennyson also uses the phrase crooked hands to link with the world of man and shows the strength of the eagle. Perch, The Eagle and The Field-mouse all describe the habitat and environment of their chosen animal vividly. In the first two lines of Perch Heaney opens the poem with the places where the perch lives. He states that the perch lives in the clear Bann River to emphasise: the place is not made up. He also describes vividly the different places where he used to find the perch to create images in our minds. In The Eagle Tennyson describes in detail the place where the animal clings, to paint images in our minds of azure world and mountain walls. .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2 , .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2 .postImageUrl , .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2 , .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2:hover , .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2:visited , .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2:active { border:0!important; } .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2:active , .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2 .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1af8a8520b6421cf5672d7a3462fc8c2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dead Poets Society - Responsibility EssayAlso in the Field-mouse, Clarke describes what the field looked like before they found the mouse as Summer, and the long grass, cloud of lime, drifting our land with a chance of sweetness to create a warm feeling of summer. In the final two stanzas Clarke contradicts the intensive summer atmosphere by including pessimistic words to show the damages which humans have caused. She mentions, Field lies bleeding, killed flowers and the fields hurt to create a negative feel of the field which the field-mouse is found upon. However in A difficult birth Clarke doesnt describe the habitat or the environment because the most important idea in the poem is the giving of birth and the sheep and Clarkes feelings. Unlike the other poems the environment is not needed to bring the animal to life or motion. Clarke and Heaney have used unremarkable creatures: a lamb, a perch and a mouse, however they elevated them through their poems to give certain meanings. In Perch Heaney uses it to say that the perch may seem tedious and never moving from his childhood point of view but he sees it now from the animals perspective under the water-roof. The poet tries to show that the perch actually wants to escape the water and see what actually flows and (the) steady go of the world. However Tennyson uses a magnificent creature to show his spirit and ideas.  Overall, I prefer the field-mouse more than the other poems because of the wide range of poetic techniques used especially symbolism to create a moving narrative of the mouse and also the pessimism of an ordinary war/battle. Unlike the other poems Clarke also connects her poem with the real world, as the newspapers in the poem represent the events elsewhere in Europe.