Friday, February 14, 2020

What ideas about women and femininity do we see in the portrayals of Essay

What ideas about women and femininity do we see in the portrayals of Layla and Rabia - Essay Example Like other Muslim girls, she is bound to be loyal and humble to her the choice of her male guardians. Such position of the girls like Layla ultimately reveals that a woman in a Muslim male dominated society has lived as a plaything at the hand of the male counterparts. The story of â€Å"Layla and Majnun† starts with the description of a wealthy businessman, Sayyid, who reaches a position of power and prestige in his tribal society. But the grief of Sayyid is that he does not have any child. So he prays to Allah for a son who would inherit his wealth after he retires. Subsequently, his prayer is granted. Now, he has a son, named Qays, who is a beautiful young man. At the age of ten, Qays meets Layla and becomes amazed by her beauty. He â€Å"sought to woo her, but he knew not how: / He gazed upon her cheek, and, as he gazed, / Loves flaming taper more intensely blazed.† (Nizami 12) Both of the two fall in love with each other, as the poet says, â€Å"Love conquerd both—they never dreamt to part† (Nizami 16). But soon Layla’s tribe prohibited her to meet Qays in order to save her honor. Thus, Qays is detached from his lover and left open to meet his destiny: â€Å"A madman he became — but at the same time a poet, the harp of his love and of his pain.† (Nizami 7) This simple story of Qays and Layla’s love reveals a lot of the womanhood in the Arabian male dominated society. In a society, where women do not have their says, Layla lives â€Å"between the water of her tears and the fire of her love† (Nizami 25). In this society, she does not have the right to choose Qays as her husband; rather she has to comply with the tribe’s norms and traditions. In a sense, having no right to live on her own Layla has to live the life of a bandit in her tribe. Against her desire, she has been â€Å"removed/ Among the Najd mountains, where / She cherishd still the thoughts of him she loved, / And her

Saturday, February 1, 2020

E-Sport is a Real Sport Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

E-Sport is a Real Sport - Annotated Bibliography Example This article explores the advent of the internet protocol television and how it relates to e-sports. It focuses on StarCraft 2 and discusses how they use internet protocol television as a means to quickly distribute content. The arguments presented in the paper concur with the idea that e-sport is an innovative activity that heavily relies on new technology, besides being an activity that is fully amerced in the virtual world. In relation to my thesis, this article shows that E-sport can be played online and have an audience. This article explores the question as to whether e-sport is a sport. Additionally, it discusses the play and bonuses that players receive from sponsors. In this article, the play and bonuses are compared to e-sport in the virtual world and doping in the real world sports. The similarities in structures in games and other mediums are also discussed, particularly the appearance of sports managers for each player. Besides, a setup of the development of e-sport is provided in the article. This is useful in understanding the origin and development of e-sport. Importantly, the article tries to explore the problem by giving a clear and inclusive definition of sport. It argues that the efforts to define sport fail  to cover the full concept that ought to be involved in the definition of sport (Mora& Stephane, 2003). This is, therefore, a significant topic for e-sport since the industry has experienced a lot of opposition by referring to themselves as e-sports. Under the ideas presented in this article, e-sport would inevitably be considered a sport and any argument raised against it would be deemed invalid. Although this does not fully resolve the issue, it provides a significant support not only for e-sports but also for other industries that would like to be considered sports.  Ã‚